A few helpful tips if you see something that shouldn't be on your credit report.
You can dispute mistakes with the credit bureaus by mail or telephone, but you’ll get the fastest results if you initiate a dispute online. Here are the websites and phone numbers you should use for the credit bureaus when you contact them to dispute errors:
http://www.investigate.equifax.com or 888-800-8859
http://www.Experian.com/disputes or 866-200-6020
http://www.Transunion.com/investigate or 800-916-8800
It’s best to dispute errors one at a time – because contesting a slew of alleged mistakes all at once may cause your dispute(s) to be thrown out. By law, the credit bureaus can opt not to investigate your claims if they deem your dispute(s) to be “frivolous” or “irrelevant.”
What to Expect From the Credit Bureaus
Generally speaking, all three credit bureaus allow you to dispute errors related to the “Ownership” of an account or the “Account Information”/“Status” of an account. For example, when you fill out the dispute investigation forms supplied by the bureaus to mail them in, or when you file an online dispute, the bureaus will ask you to check off boxes that specify what information you are contesting.
Disputing Ownership of an Account
If you dispute “Ownership” of an account, you will check one of these boxes:
• I have no knowledge of this account.
• This account does not belong to me.
• This is not my account; it belongs to a relative or another person with same/similar name.
• This account belongs to my ex-spouse.
• This is a fraudulent account; account opened by someone who stole my identity.
• Fraudulent charges were made on my account.
• Creditor agreed to remove my liability on this account.
• Corporate account.
• I am no longer liable for this account.
• I did not authorize this inquiry.
• This is a fraudulent inquiry.
• Other.
Disputing “Account Information or “Status”
If you dispute the “Account Information” or “Status” of an item, you will check one of these boxes:
• This account is included in my bankruptcy.
• My credit limit and/or high credit amount is incorrect.
• My account balance is incorrect.
• Please verify date of last payment, date opened, date closed, or date of delinquency.
• Please verify the account descriptions shown on my account.
• I have never paid late.
• This account is closed.
• This account is not closed.
• My account is closed per my request to the creditor.
• This account is paid.
• I have paid this account in full.
• I paid this account before it went to collection or before it was charged off.
• Too old to be on file, please remove.
• Terms are incorrect.
• Creditor agreed to remove charges and/or fees.
• Creditor agreed to remove this account from my file.
• This account is transferred to another lender
• I am a victim of a natural or declared disaster.
• I have Active Military Duty status.
• Account is deferred.
• This account is settled.
• Other.
There may be variations in some of the wording. But as of this writing, these are all the possible reasons for disputes at Equifax, Experian and TransUnion.
The Differences Between Equifax, TransUnion and Experian
At Equifax and TransUnion, you can only choose from either the “Ownership” dispute category or the “Account Information” category that best describes your dispute. You can not make selections from both categories.
Equifax’s online dispute system also allows you to add a “Dispute Account Statement.” There you can type up to 250 characters to provide additional information to support your dispute.
At Experian, you can enter up to 120 characters about your reason for disputing something in your credit file. Experian alerts consumers that it will send your statement to the creditor. For example, assume you check the reason for your dispute as “I have never paid late.” If you then want to explain your position, you might add a statement such as: “The creditor said they misapplied my payment,” or “I moved but my creditor acknowledged that they erroneously sent the bill to my old address.” Such statements will be sent by Experian to your creditor to help them understand why you are disputing certain reported information. (Under federal law, all creditor bureaus are supposed to forward your explanation statements or supporting information to creditors/furnishers when you have a dispute. But critics say the credit bureaus routinely violate this requirement just to cut costs and save money).
At TransUnion, the online dispute service specifies that you can make only one submission that includes all of your requests for investigation or changes of information. If you need to make additional requests after your online dispute, you must call or write the bureau. TransUnion’s mail-in form, called a “Request for Investigation,” also includes a section for you to write in additional comments related to your dispute.
Proving That a Mistake Exists is Up To You
Remember: In the event of a mistake, the burden is on you to notify the credit agencies about that error. And it’s not enough to simply say something is “incorrect.”
You have to state why certain information is erroneous or outdated. Once you do, your claim will be investigated. If you have documentation like statements or cancelled checks, provide copies to support your claim.
In general, the credit bureau has 30-45 days to investigate your dispute and respond to you, in writing, with the results of the investigation.
Hopefully this helps and let me know your input.

Pasadena Skyline
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
How to Safeguard Your Credit, Privacy and Accounts While Holiday Shopping
After a tough couple of years, Americans are loosening the grips on their wallets and planning to do a bit more shopping this holiday season.
The National Retail Federation predicts the average U.S. shopper will spend $689 over the holidays, up slightly from $682 in 2009.
Many of us will hop on the Internet to comparison shop and score bargains. But plenty of people will head to the malls and other brick-and-mortar stores to purchase holiday gifts, decorations, toys and more. Here are some helpful tips to safeguard your credit, your privacy as well as your bank accounts whether you’re shopping over the Internet or in person.
For Online Shoppers
While Black Friday – the day after Thanksgiving – has traditionally kicked off the official holiday shopping season, savvy consumers are increasingly interested in Cyber Monday deals that can typically be found only online.
So if you’re like me and you dread the thought of getting up early for in-store deals or battling massive hordes of shoppers, use these guidelines to shop safely and easily from the convenience of your home.
Only Use Secure Sites
The number one rule of safe online shopping – during the holidays or any other time of the year – is to only use secure websites. These are highly safe sites because they utilize encryption technology, which scrambles your credit card number and other personal information, making it nearly impossible for thieves and hackers to steal your data.
You’ll know a site is secure if it has any of these three things:
*a website or order page that says https://. The letter ‘s’ is your clue that the site uses encryption;
*a closed padlock at the bottom of the page. Don’t place any orders on sites where there’s an open padlock; or
*an unbroken key, which also signals safety measures are in place.
Stick With Reputable Sellers
When buying online, it’s best to patronize merchants and retailers you know, or those you’ve done business with before. If you plan to purchase something from an individual or a company that you’re not familiar with, be sure to first check out consumer reviews about the merchant. You can also check out companies from the Better Business Bureau.
Pay the Right Way
Never sends personal checks or money orders for merchandise you buy online. Credit cards generally are a safe option because they allow buyers to seek a credit from the issuer if the product isn’t delivered or isn’t what was ordered.
Guard Your Passwords
Many websites require you to set up an account or create passwords in order to complete online transactions. Be sure to keep passwords private and not divulge them to others. Also, don’t create easy-to-crack passwords, such as those with birthdates.
Read the Privacy Policy
To decrease the chances of winding up on someone’s spam list, or getting unwanted junk emails, always find and read the privacy policy for an online retailer you’re patronizing. Usually the privacy policy is on a website’s home page or in a section called “Legal.” The privacy policy will tell you what information the seller plans to collect from you, and how that information might be used, and how you can stop data about you from being distributed to third parties. Don’t ever give up private information like your social security number to anyone online. And ideally, you’d want to see a seal from a privacy enforcement organization, such as BBBOnLine or TRUSTe.
Complain if Necessary
If something goes wrong with an online purchase – say, your order doesn’t arrive or you get double billed – don’t hesitate to complain to the seller. If your complaints are not satisfactorily handled, you can also register complaints with the Better Business Bureau (http://www.bbbonline.org), the Federal Trade Commission (http://www.ftc.gov or 877-FTC-HELP) or the State Attorney General in either your state or the seller’s state (http://www.naag.org).
For In-Store Shoppers
Those of you shopping in retail stores should follow these tips:
Know the Return Policy
You should know a retailer’s return policies before spending money in a particular store. In addition to getting the low-down on how many days you have to make a return, or what items are and aren’t exchangeable or refundable, pay close attention to return policies that are specifically tied to your use of credit cards. For example, some stores may demand that you show the same credit card used during a purchase if you want to make a return. Others will only give you store credit, or credit back on your credit card, as opposed to cash refunds. Whatever the details, make sure you understand everything upfront before buying anything.
Keep Those Receipts
In the hustle and bustle of holiday shopping, it’s easy to lose track of how much money you spent and where. To minimize your risk of being over-charged and to protect your credit information, destroy carbon copies you might get from retailers, but keep the receipts. Later, check those receipts against the charges shown on your credit card statements to make sure everything is correct.
Limit What You Carry
Don’t carry your entire collection of credit cards, your checkbook and a wad of cash with you all in the same wallet. If a pickpocket targets you or you lose your wallet, you could lose all of it. Instead, leave some things at home and carry only what you need. And remember, never carry your Social Security card in your wallet.
Protect Your Cards
Lastly, you can protect your credit cards in several ways while shopping in stores. Start by only carrying one or two cards with you. Also, always double-check to make sure that cashiers return your credit cards after you’ve made a purchase. And finally, create a list of all your credit card account numbers and the numbers to call if they’re lost or stolen. Put this list away at home for safe-keeping.
By following these steps, you’ll have peace of mind this holiday season, knowing that your personal information, credit and privacy are all being properly guarded while you’re shopping online and in person.
The National Retail Federation predicts the average U.S. shopper will spend $689 over the holidays, up slightly from $682 in 2009.
Many of us will hop on the Internet to comparison shop and score bargains. But plenty of people will head to the malls and other brick-and-mortar stores to purchase holiday gifts, decorations, toys and more. Here are some helpful tips to safeguard your credit, your privacy as well as your bank accounts whether you’re shopping over the Internet or in person.
For Online Shoppers
While Black Friday – the day after Thanksgiving – has traditionally kicked off the official holiday shopping season, savvy consumers are increasingly interested in Cyber Monday deals that can typically be found only online.
So if you’re like me and you dread the thought of getting up early for in-store deals or battling massive hordes of shoppers, use these guidelines to shop safely and easily from the convenience of your home.
Only Use Secure Sites
The number one rule of safe online shopping – during the holidays or any other time of the year – is to only use secure websites. These are highly safe sites because they utilize encryption technology, which scrambles your credit card number and other personal information, making it nearly impossible for thieves and hackers to steal your data.
You’ll know a site is secure if it has any of these three things:
*a website or order page that says https://. The letter ‘s’ is your clue that the site uses encryption;
*a closed padlock at the bottom of the page. Don’t place any orders on sites where there’s an open padlock; or
*an unbroken key, which also signals safety measures are in place.
Stick With Reputable Sellers
When buying online, it’s best to patronize merchants and retailers you know, or those you’ve done business with before. If you plan to purchase something from an individual or a company that you’re not familiar with, be sure to first check out consumer reviews about the merchant. You can also check out companies from the Better Business Bureau.
Pay the Right Way
Never sends personal checks or money orders for merchandise you buy online. Credit cards generally are a safe option because they allow buyers to seek a credit from the issuer if the product isn’t delivered or isn’t what was ordered.
Guard Your Passwords
Many websites require you to set up an account or create passwords in order to complete online transactions. Be sure to keep passwords private and not divulge them to others. Also, don’t create easy-to-crack passwords, such as those with birthdates.
Read the Privacy Policy
To decrease the chances of winding up on someone’s spam list, or getting unwanted junk emails, always find and read the privacy policy for an online retailer you’re patronizing. Usually the privacy policy is on a website’s home page or in a section called “Legal.” The privacy policy will tell you what information the seller plans to collect from you, and how that information might be used, and how you can stop data about you from being distributed to third parties. Don’t ever give up private information like your social security number to anyone online. And ideally, you’d want to see a seal from a privacy enforcement organization, such as BBBOnLine or TRUSTe.
Complain if Necessary
If something goes wrong with an online purchase – say, your order doesn’t arrive or you get double billed – don’t hesitate to complain to the seller. If your complaints are not satisfactorily handled, you can also register complaints with the Better Business Bureau (http://www.bbbonline.org), the Federal Trade Commission (http://www.ftc.gov or 877-FTC-HELP) or the State Attorney General in either your state or the seller’s state (http://www.naag.org).
For In-Store Shoppers
Those of you shopping in retail stores should follow these tips:
Know the Return Policy
You should know a retailer’s return policies before spending money in a particular store. In addition to getting the low-down on how many days you have to make a return, or what items are and aren’t exchangeable or refundable, pay close attention to return policies that are specifically tied to your use of credit cards. For example, some stores may demand that you show the same credit card used during a purchase if you want to make a return. Others will only give you store credit, or credit back on your credit card, as opposed to cash refunds. Whatever the details, make sure you understand everything upfront before buying anything.
Keep Those Receipts
In the hustle and bustle of holiday shopping, it’s easy to lose track of how much money you spent and where. To minimize your risk of being over-charged and to protect your credit information, destroy carbon copies you might get from retailers, but keep the receipts. Later, check those receipts against the charges shown on your credit card statements to make sure everything is correct.
Limit What You Carry
Don’t carry your entire collection of credit cards, your checkbook and a wad of cash with you all in the same wallet. If a pickpocket targets you or you lose your wallet, you could lose all of it. Instead, leave some things at home and carry only what you need. And remember, never carry your Social Security card in your wallet.
Protect Your Cards
Lastly, you can protect your credit cards in several ways while shopping in stores. Start by only carrying one or two cards with you. Also, always double-check to make sure that cashiers return your credit cards after you’ve made a purchase. And finally, create a list of all your credit card account numbers and the numbers to call if they’re lost or stolen. Put this list away at home for safe-keeping.
By following these steps, you’ll have peace of mind this holiday season, knowing that your personal information, credit and privacy are all being properly guarded while you’re shopping online and in person.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Help spread the word of this wonderful local community celebration!

Come join us for a wicked good time at Old Pasadena’s FREE Halloween family celebration, Saturday, October 30 and Sunday, October 31. Spooktacular activities throughout the district include a pumpkin hunt, kids Halloween craft center, costumed characters, Halloween moon bounces, live ghoulish music, scary animal and bug show-and-tell, kid-friendly haunted house, store-to-store trick-or-treating and much more!
The celebration begins, Saturday, October 30 at 1pm for Old Pasadena’s first family Halloween Celebration at Central Park. Kids are invited to join in a special Halloween pumpkin hunt. Mini pumpkins filled with candy, treats and toys will be hidden amongst fall hay, a mini graveyard and much more. Dressed up little ones can make their-own scary art project at the Armory Center for the Arts’ craft center. The festivities also include a scary animal and critter show-and-tell from the Natural Museum of History, three Halloween moon bounces, and roaming costumed characters for photo opportunities. Throughout the celebration live ghoulish music will be performed by the LA Music Academy. Come early as the first 200 in attendance will receive a free caramel apple.
The spooky fun continues, Sunday, October 31 when over 75 stores and restaurants in Old Pasadena open their doors for free store-to-store trick-or-treating. Merchants will supply a variety of festive candy and confections for all the dressed up little ghosts and goblins in attendance. Bring the little ones to the One Colorado Courtyard for free haunted professional photos against a festive background and hundreds of pumpkins. One Colorado will also host multiple screenings of Halloween cartoons throughout the evening. Guests can enjoy a unique opportunity to meet and greet with various popular Halloween costumed characters.
For more information visit www.oldpasadena.org
Thursday, October 14, 2010
NEWS RELEASE October 12, 2010
Contact: Binti Harvey
(626) 396-3606
Pasadena, CA – Jon Furman, Chair of the School Consolidation Study Committee, issued the following statement regarding the school consolidation process:
“On Saturday, October 9, the PUSD School Consolidation Committee, by a vote of 12 - 8, recommended that three elementary schools -- Loma Alta, Burbank, and Jackson -- be consolidated, and that the Norma Coombs Alternative School program be relocated from the Norma Coombs site to the Burbank site. These changes would be for the 2011 - 2012 school year; there will be no changes occurring during the current school year.
“At its next meeting on Wednesday, October 13 (at 5:30 pm in the McKinley School Auditorium), the Committee will consider where the students in those three schools might be reassigned (recognizing, that with Open Enrollment, parents may apply to any school within the district regardless of home school Attendance Zones). The Committee will further consider where the District might relocate the District Offices, currently housed in the Education Center at 351 S Hudson St., and where the Rose City High School might be relocated.
“Additionally, the Committee is charged with recommending any additional mitigating measures that might ease the impact of these consolidations on PUSD students and families.
The Committee will be submitting these recommendations to Superintendent Edwin Diaz. The Superintendent will then submit his recommendations to the Board of Education by the end of October; the Board, after public study sessions and open hearings, will make a final decision on this set of recommendations. That decision is tentatively scheduled for the Nov. 23 Board meeting, so that the District's plan will be in place before the beginning of Open Enrollment for the 2011 - 2012 school year.”
# # #
For the latest news and information about the Pasadena Unified School District, including Board of Education Meeting Highlights, watch KLRN-TV or go to www.pusd.us.
Contact: Binti Harvey
(626) 396-3606
Pasadena, CA – Jon Furman, Chair of the School Consolidation Study Committee, issued the following statement regarding the school consolidation process:
“On Saturday, October 9, the PUSD School Consolidation Committee, by a vote of 12 - 8, recommended that three elementary schools -- Loma Alta, Burbank, and Jackson -- be consolidated, and that the Norma Coombs Alternative School program be relocated from the Norma Coombs site to the Burbank site. These changes would be for the 2011 - 2012 school year; there will be no changes occurring during the current school year.
“At its next meeting on Wednesday, October 13 (at 5:30 pm in the McKinley School Auditorium), the Committee will consider where the students in those three schools might be reassigned (recognizing, that with Open Enrollment, parents may apply to any school within the district regardless of home school Attendance Zones). The Committee will further consider where the District might relocate the District Offices, currently housed in the Education Center at 351 S Hudson St., and where the Rose City High School might be relocated.
“Additionally, the Committee is charged with recommending any additional mitigating measures that might ease the impact of these consolidations on PUSD students and families.
The Committee will be submitting these recommendations to Superintendent Edwin Diaz. The Superintendent will then submit his recommendations to the Board of Education by the end of October; the Board, after public study sessions and open hearings, will make a final decision on this set of recommendations. That decision is tentatively scheduled for the Nov. 23 Board meeting, so that the District's plan will be in place before the beginning of Open Enrollment for the 2011 - 2012 school year.”
# # #
For the latest news and information about the Pasadena Unified School District, including Board of Education Meeting Highlights, watch KLRN-TV or go to www.pusd.us.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

For Immediate Release September 28, 2010
Media Contact: Binti Harvey
(626) 396-3606
List of Schools will be Narrowed from Seven to Five this Saturday
Pasadena, CA – The Pasadena Unified School District (PUSD) School Consolidation Study Committee (Committee) will convene two community forums next week to offer community members the opportunity to learn more about school closures and possible program moves. Community Forums are scheduled for Monday, October 4, 2010 at the Eliot Middle School Auditorium from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., and Friday, October 8, 2010 at the Wilson Middle School Auditorium from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
The Committee will meet this week on Friday October 1 from 5:00 to 8:30 p.m., and Saturday October 2 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., both at McKinley.
The Committee, composed of 21 stakeholders representing Altadena, Pasadena and Sierra Madre, parent groups, collective bargaining units, school site administration, and other community groups, has held four meetings since September 11 to explore options for school consolidation and closure to narrow the budget deficit. In response to an unprecedented $30 million loss of funding over the past three years, and the prospect of sustained enrollment declines in the foreseeable future, the Board of Education approved school consolidation to help decrease expenditures and generate ongoing revenue to support instructional priorities.
The three-year budget adopted in June identified the closure of a minimum of three schools in 2011-12 to reduce operating expenses associated with excess capacity on school campuses. The Board of Education established the School Consolidation Study Committee to assist the Superintendent in developing a recommendation regarding school consolidation and closure. Over the past several weeks, the Committee has reviewed a broad range of information including: a list of sixteen sites recommended for consideration by the asset management report, academic achievement, special educational programs, transportation, and neighborhood impacts.
The Committee will make final recommendations in a report to Superintendent Diaz in October. Following his review of the Committee report, the Superintendent is tentatively scheduled to make a recommendation to the Board of Education at its meeting on November 23, 2010.
Members of the public may obtain additional information about the school consolidation and closure process, including meeting summaries and documents, at www.pusd.us.
Let's support our local schools and attend one of these meetings!!
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Recommendation for the new ice skating rink
Recommendation for the new ice skating rink
is on the City Council Agenda for
Monday, September 27th.
The meeting starts at 6:30 PM at City Hall (2nd Floor)
*** Please get the word out again for all interested parties to attend this meeting. ***
The following is the agenda item:
Recommendation of City Manager and PCOC Chief Executive Officer:
It is recommended that the City Council:
(1) Authorize the City Manager to issue a 10 year 2.5% annual interest bearing loan, not to exceed $1.5 million from City funds to the Pasadena Center Operating Company (PCOC), to be used for the ice rink relocation to the pavilion if the conditional use permit is granted; and
(2) Recognize and appropriate the expenditure of $1.5 million in PCOC Reserves for the ice rink relocation to the pavilion if the conditional use permit is granted.
The staff report can be found at:
Pasadena "Build The Rink" Committee
Pasadena, California
is on the City Council Agenda for
Monday, September 27th.
The meeting starts at 6:30 PM at City Hall (2nd Floor)
*** Please get the word out again for all interested parties to attend this meeting. ***
The following is the agenda item:
Recommendation of City Manager and PCOC Chief Executive Officer:
It is recommended that the City Council:
(1) Authorize the City Manager to issue a 10 year 2.5% annual interest bearing loan, not to exceed $1.5 million from City funds to the Pasadena Center Operating Company (PCOC), to be used for the ice rink relocation to the pavilion if the conditional use permit is granted; and
(2) Recognize and appropriate the expenditure of $1.5 million in PCOC Reserves for the ice rink relocation to the pavilion if the conditional use permit is granted.
The staff report can be found at:
Pasadena "Build The Rink" Committee
Pasadena, California
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
LA County Fair Discount

COURTESY OF Bolton and Company
We are again pleased to offer to all Bolton clients, your employees and their family members, special pricing for the LA County Fair, which will be opening Labor Day weekend (Saturday, September 4th). The Bolton rate is $9 for adults (vs. $17 on the weekends) and $6 (vs. $12) for children ages 6-12 (please note that there is a $1 processing fee per order). This discounted pricing can only be obtained online with the exclusive access code as listed on the flyer below.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Finance Your Home Solar System
Los Angeles County recently launched an innovative home energy efficiency financing program to help you cover the upfront costs of home energy improvements, including solar panel installation. Your eligibility for these county loans does not depend on your credit rating and you’ll have up to 20 years to pay them off as a line item on your property tax bill. The loan obligation stays with the house, and not with you, if you decide to sell your home before you’ve paid off the loan.
The Los Angeles County Energy Program (LACEP) promotes energy efficiency in existing homes, reduces greenhouse gas emissions and puts construction professionals back to work. Homeowners can start applying for county financing by summer’s end. Watch for details!
With PWP’s $2.40/watt solar rebates, aggressive federal tax credits, and now this new financing option, the power of the sun is within reach for more Pasadena homeowners than ever before. Learn more at www.cityofpasadena.net/solar.
Article taken from Pasadena In Focus July-Aug 2010
The Los Angeles County Energy Program (LACEP) promotes energy efficiency in existing homes, reduces greenhouse gas emissions and puts construction professionals back to work. Homeowners can start applying for county financing by summer’s end. Watch for details!
With PWP’s $2.40/watt solar rebates, aggressive federal tax credits, and now this new financing option, the power of the sun is within reach for more Pasadena homeowners than ever before. Learn more at www.cityofpasadena.net/solar.
Article taken from Pasadena In Focus July-Aug 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Fashion's Night Out Sept 10, 2010

Fashion's Night Out September 10
6 to 11 p.m.
You're invited to the world's biggest shopping party! Thousands of stores in dozens of countries will be celebrating Fashion's Night Out. Join the fun at One Colorado.
You're an FNO VIP
Start by picking up your VIP Passport in the courtyard. (The first 200 guests get free swag bags!) One Colorado merchants are treating FNO guests to fall fashion previews, consultations, demonstrations, samples, and refreshments. Your VIP Passport will have all the details!
There's a catwalk in the Courtyard!
You won't want to miss the The Fall Preview Fashion Show at 8 p.m. Thanks to Bokaos Aveda Salon for hair and makeup services.
Feeling lucky?
Use the back page of your VIP Passport to collect stamps from at least five participating One Colorado merchants and make a purchase at least one of the stamped stores. Drop off your completed passport and receipt in the Courtyard by 10:30 p.m.
At 10:45 p.m., we'll draw the winners of fab prizes—including The One Colorado Diva Bag (valued at $1,000!). No need to be present to win, but why would you leave early?
Meet and tweet
Use the #FNO hashtag and @OneColorado to get updates on Twitter before and during Fashion's Night Out.
Stay in the know by connecting with our Facebook Page.
Plan your shopping strategy
Celebrate FNO with these One Colorado merchants:
55 W. Colorado Bl.
What's new: Faux fall furs
What's hot: Military chic
What's fun: Skinny jeans with zippers
Just for FNO: Indulge in free chocolate and champagne—plus a free make-up and hair consultation.
Akbar Restaurant
44 N. Fair Oaks Ave.
FNO nosh: A free dessert with any entrée purchase. Maybe…mango cheesecake? Or Mango Surprise? Yum!
Crate & Barrel
75 W. Colorado Bl.
What's new: Marimekko Bedding and Bath patterns
What's hot: Leather tote bags for him/her
What's fun: Pet accessories in the fashionable houndstooth design
Just for FNO: Demonstrations and food sampling featuring the latest products for entertaining and cooking. Learn to design stunning tablescapes for fall dining and parties.
Dots Cupcakes
21 N. Fair Oaks Ave.
FNO nosh: Flash your passport for a free mini-cupcake (while supplies last)! Check out the one-night-only FNO flavor!
Elisa B.
12 Douglas Alley
What's new: Elizabeth and James "Textile" Collection
What's hot: Alexander Wang Bomber Jackets
What's fun: Phillip Lim Harem Shorts
Just for FNO: Get a $25 Elisa B. gift certificate when you donate a clean, gently used coat. OneWarmCoat.org will distribute coats to those in need. Enjoy refreshments plus special FNO fun!
63 W. Colorado Bl.
What's new: Black Magic
What's hot:
What's fun:
Just for FNO: Dabble in Black Magic and discover the perfect black pants! Gap staffers will reveal the “five fits” and offer an incentive for purchasing during FNO. Enjoy refreshments before visiting the in-store soothsayer. What does your future hold?
Gold Bug
22 E. Union St.
What's new: Crunched Canvas Top Hats by Heathen
What's hot: Melissa Joy Manning Precious Stone Stacking Rings
What's fun: Andy Paiko Hand Blown Glass Bell Jar Collection
Just for FNO: Resident designer Jason Anderson of Anachroni will be demonstrating his fully functional rotary and bluetooth cell phones.
Il Fornaio Restaurant
24 W. Union St.
FNO Nosh: A complimentary dessert with every entrée purchased. Have you tried the tiramisu?
In SoHo
13 Douglas Alley
What's new: Fall designs by So Charlotte
What's hot: Jewelry by Tat2 Designs
What's fun: Win dinner for 2 at Il Fornaio (a $100 value) when you purchase the select item of the day!
Just for FNO: Check out the limited-edition jewelry and special pricing at the Tat2 Designs trunk show. The celebration continues all evening with Brazilian food, music, and Mardi Gras masks.
J Crew
3 W. Colorado Bl.
Just for FNO: Light refreshments and new arrivals. Be one of the first to spend $150 or more (before sales tax) and receive an exclusive gift with purchase. (While supplies last. Valid for FNO only.)
Juicy Couture
37 W. Colorado Bl.
What's New: Fun and edgy Menswear Inspired Collection
What's Hot: Faux Fur and our new perfume, Peace, Love, and Juicy Couture
What's Fun: New glammed up track suits in exciting colors with charm zippers
Just for FNO: Two hunky Juicy boys serving refreshments. Get 20% off any purchase. Spend $200 or more and get a free fragrance gift.
Jumping Jellyfish
34 Hugus Alley (courtyard)
What's new: Kit & Lili rompers and dresses
What's hot: Tea Collection clothing
What's fun: Munster tee shirts
Just for FNO: Refreshments, snacks ‘n' a live DJ! Bring your little ones between 6 and 9 p.m. for a free photo shoot and a 5x7 photograph.
Kate Spade
39 W. Colorado Bl.
What's new: The Five Points Camille handbag
What's hot: Sequin Lena cami
What's fun: Charm shoe
Just for FNO: Go wild! Try on fabulous fall apparel to discover your signature look. Are you the dance partner, multi-tasker, tour guide, week-ender or the muse?
Leonidas Chocolates Café
49 W. Colorado Bl.
FNO Nosh: Enjoy one complimentary premium Belgian chocolate. Take 10% off your purchase during FNO, and get a coupon for 10% discount for a future visit.
Place Vendome
48 Hugus Alley (courtyard)
What's new: Fun and original designs from Dodo
What's hot: Bracelets on cord by Jean Dinh Van
What's fun: Unusual gemstones in the Pomellato collection
Just for FNO: Play dress up! Try on jewelry that best reflects your style, then smile for the camera. Place Vendome will email your photo to you—or your significant other. Perhaps a special someone will get the hint?
Russell's Restaurant
30 N. Fair Oaks Ave.
FNO Nosh: Free wine and cheese.
Scarpa D'Oro
47 W. Colorado Bl.
What's new: Charles David lace up boots
What's hot: 5” Michael Kors peep-toe heels
What's fun: Colorful comfort with Pikolino shoes
Just for FNO: Refreshments and live entertainment, plus a 20% discount on your purchase.
**Information taken from http://www.onecolorado.com/fno/**
See you all there!
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Pasadena City College Flea Market
Sunday, August 1, 2010
8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
PCC Flea Market
One of the Southland's largest flea markets, the show is held the first Sunday of every month. Come enjoy the browsing and the bargains. With over 500 vendors, the Market features fascinating antiques and collectibles, thousands of records, tools, clothes, toys and much more, not to mention food and good company.
Flea Market Sold Out for August Show
As has been the case for the past several months, all spaces have been sold for the next PCC Flea Market.
Release date 07-26-2010
Vendor Memo: Reservation Wait Times
Please see memo regarding wait times for monthly vendor spaces.
1570 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91106
Taken from PCC website
Sunday, August 1, 2010
8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
PCC Flea Market
One of the Southland's largest flea markets, the show is held the first Sunday of every month. Come enjoy the browsing and the bargains. With over 500 vendors, the Market features fascinating antiques and collectibles, thousands of records, tools, clothes, toys and much more, not to mention food and good company.
Flea Market Sold Out for August Show
As has been the case for the past several months, all spaces have been sold for the next PCC Flea Market.
Release date 07-26-2010
Vendor Memo: Reservation Wait Times
Please see memo regarding wait times for monthly vendor spaces.
1570 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91106
Taken from PCC website
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

July 25th will be a great day to take the family out to an AMC theatre near you because of the special promotion they are having for any size popcorn and any size soda/drink for $1.00!!
That's right!
Enjoy the movies and if you know anyone buying or selling please let me know.
Jess Mangubat
Dilbeck Realtors - Pasadena
Monday, July 19, 2010
Join Us for a Summer Block Party!!!

One Colorado - Old Town Pasadena
courtesy of One Colorado
Summer Block Party Sunday, July 25th
11am - 5pm
Shop the block with special Courtyard and in-store promotions from One Colorado merchants. Enjoy a festive day in the Courtyard with free photo booth keepsakes, live DJ performances, a courtyard lounge, and a Kids’ Corner with face-painting and balloon art.
Courtyard sale
Free photo booth sessions
Free custom face painting and balloon art
Be sure to print this page or pick up a booklet on Sunday, July 25th, to redeem in-store promotions throughout the day. Cash is encouraged for courtyard sale purchases.
55 W. Colorado
Enjoy 50-80% off select merchandise in the courtyard and 20% off any in-store fashions.
Bokaos Aveda
52 Hugus Alley
Indulge in complimentary chair massages, hand, scalp, and neck treatments, make-up touch-ups, hair consultations and mini-facials. Salon savings of 20% off select services and 10% off gift cards.
Crate & Barrel
75 W. Colorado
Enjoy free samples of different summer Lemonades and Teas, and get entered into our Basket of Goodies Raffle with an in-store purchase of $20.00 or more!
Dots Cupcakes
21 N. Fair Oaks
25% off all Dots Cupcake merchandise - cupcake platters, cupcake lipgloss, cupcake aprons for kids and adults, and more! Buy 9 mini cupcakes in the bake shop and receive 3 minis free while supplies last.
Gold Bug
22 E. Union
Something summery, something sexy, something savvy, something swell all at 50% off. Visit us in the courtyard for a treasure map to additional in-store savings throughout the day.
In Soho
13 Douglas Alley
Free gift with purchase of $50 or more (excluding sale items). Win a dinner for two at Il Fornaio in Pasadena (a $100 value) when you purchase the select item of the day!
Johnny Rockets
16 Miller Alley
Sip on a free milkshake with purchase of a hamburger. Fries are always included!
Jumping Jelly Fish
34 Hugus Alley
$15 - $40 courtyard sale items for your little ones. Get a coupon for 10% off a purchase of $100 or more August 1 - September 12, 2010.
kate spade
39 W. Colorado
Stop into kate spade Pasadena for our latest fall fashions! Enjoy 20% off one full price item and tasty refreshments!
Leonidas Chocolate Café
49 W. Colorado
Two free pieces of our fine Belgium chocolates with a minimum purchase of $10. Come in and cool off with our selection of iced coffees and teas!
15 Douglas Alley
Its mini-facial time at Origins! Call or stop by today to book your complimentary mini-facial. Includes personalized skin consultation and skin brightening exfoliation.
20 Hugus Alley
Summer savings of up to 50% on selected gift items including frames and candles.
Patagonia Pasadena
47 N. Fair Oaks
Free Organic Cotton Tote with every purchase of $50 or more while supplies last on July 25th only. Enjoy the summer sale of 30% off select merchandise through July 29, 2010.
Place Vendome
48 Hugus Alley
For this day only, we are proud to offer lustrous, choker length, Chinese freshwater pearls at $40 a strand. Available throughout the summer for their full retail price of $100.
The Soap Kitchen
43 N. Fair Oaks
Pamper yourself with special courtyard deals on our all natural handmade olive oil soaps. Receive a free natural sisal washcloth or wooden soap dish with any soap purchase inside our shop.
Scarpa D'Oro
47 W. Colorado
Save up to 25% on fine handbags and shoes for men and women. Buy one pair of boots and receive 50% off a second pair.
Information taken directly from onecolorado.com
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Keep Coyotes at a Safe Distance
I actually saw a couple of coyotes last night while taking the trash out......
Keep Coyotes at a Safe Distance
If you think you spotted a coyote, you probably did! According to the Pasadena Humane Society & SPCA, there are more coyotes in Southern California than ever before and many of them live on our neighborhood streets.
These wild animals are omnivores, meaning they feed on rabbits, rodents and birds, as well as berries and plants. If they’re hungry enough, coyotes will prey on small pets such as dogs and cats.
They’ve also been known to carry rabies, the Pasadena Public Health Department warns, so keep them away with these tips:
• Make sure your dogs are spayed or neutered and their vaccines are up to date. Bring small pets inside with you at night.
• Keep pet food, water dishes and bird feeders inside.
• Make sure outdoor trash can lids are on tight and keep compost contained.
• Pick up fallen fruit every day.
• Clear excess brush and wood piles that may serve as shelter.
• Make sure the fence or wall around your yard is at least six feet tall with no gaps.
• Coyotes have been known to hurdle over fences, so make sure yours is at the maximum allowable height with no gaps underneath.
• Consider installing motion-sensor lighting or sprinklers.
While outdoors, especially in hillside areas, keep children and pets close to you.
If you find yourself in the presence of a coyote, look it in the eye, try to appear as large as possible, wave your arms, throw rocks and make loud noises. Try spraying it with a hose. Never turn your back or run away – this makes their “chase” instinct kick in.
For more tips or to report sightings, call the Pasadena Humane Society & SPCA at 792-7151 and press 9 or dial ext. 102.
article taken from Pasadena In Focus July-August 2010
Keep Coyotes at a Safe Distance
If you think you spotted a coyote, you probably did! According to the Pasadena Humane Society & SPCA, there are more coyotes in Southern California than ever before and many of them live on our neighborhood streets.
These wild animals are omnivores, meaning they feed on rabbits, rodents and birds, as well as berries and plants. If they’re hungry enough, coyotes will prey on small pets such as dogs and cats.
They’ve also been known to carry rabies, the Pasadena Public Health Department warns, so keep them away with these tips:
• Make sure your dogs are spayed or neutered and their vaccines are up to date. Bring small pets inside with you at night.
• Keep pet food, water dishes and bird feeders inside.
• Make sure outdoor trash can lids are on tight and keep compost contained.
• Pick up fallen fruit every day.
• Clear excess brush and wood piles that may serve as shelter.
• Make sure the fence or wall around your yard is at least six feet tall with no gaps.
• Coyotes have been known to hurdle over fences, so make sure yours is at the maximum allowable height with no gaps underneath.
• Consider installing motion-sensor lighting or sprinklers.
While outdoors, especially in hillside areas, keep children and pets close to you.
If you find yourself in the presence of a coyote, look it in the eye, try to appear as large as possible, wave your arms, throw rocks and make loud noises. Try spraying it with a hose. Never turn your back or run away – this makes their “chase” instinct kick in.
For more tips or to report sightings, call the Pasadena Humane Society & SPCA at 792-7151 and press 9 or dial ext. 102.
article taken from Pasadena In Focus July-August 2010
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Come one Come ALL!!
Through the collective efforts of our neighbors, there will be a block yard sale with at least 4 neighbors contributing to this event.
If you would like to participate please contact Simbi at qigong4life@aol.com. She would love for you to help in anyway. Here is a preview of items that will be on sale:

I hope everyone had a great 4th of July! If you have any further questions, please contact me as well.
Jess Mangubat
Through the collective efforts of our neighbors, there will be a block yard sale with at least 4 neighbors contributing to this event.
If you would like to participate please contact Simbi at qigong4life@aol.com. She would love for you to help in anyway. Here is a preview of items that will be on sale:
I hope everyone had a great 4th of July! If you have any further questions, please contact me as well.
Jess Mangubat
Saturday, June 5, 2010
What is a Decline-in-Value Reassessment?

California Law provides for a temporary reduction in assessed values when the Prop 13 value of a property excees the actual market vlaue as of Jan 1.
For more information regarding decline-in-value reassessments, please visit the Assessor's website at
http://assessor.lacounty.gov and review the information.
If you have any questions please feel free to call me.
Remember this is a free service!!
Various private companies may be sending mailings to property owners offering their services to pursue a reduction in their property taxes. These companies may charge hundreds of dollars to file for a reduction in value on behalf of the property owner. Some companies even impose late fees if the application is received after an arbitrary deadline. Be aware that solicitations from private companies offering to pursue a reduction in property taxes must clearly indicate that they are NOT a government agency and that their services are NOT approved or endorsed by any government agency. Failure to provide such notice is a violation of California law.
I hope this information is useful. Thank you for following my blog.
Enjoy the your weekend!!
Jess Mangubat
Dilbeck Realtors - Pasadena
Saturday, May 15, 2010
It's the FIRST-ever Rose Bowl Stadium Games
BRING FRIENDS, FAMILY AND NEIGHBORS to the Rose Bowl Stadium Games on Sunday, May 16, from noon to 3pm featuring full access to the field, interactive games and tours of the landmark stadium. Admission IS FREE; gates will open at 11:30AM.
You'll be among the first to learn about the renovation plans for the 90,000-seat stadium as well as its history and tradition.
With a backdrop of great music, a local emcee will lead participants and spectators through a soccer challenge, armchair quarterback game, speed pitching, field goal kicks, free-throw challenge, bean bag toss, and fitness challenges. Watch the stadium's Jumbotron screens to see the fun as it happens. Little ones can also enjoy bounce houses, face painting and other child-friendly activities.
For more information, or to RSVP or volunteer, visit
www.rosebowlstadium.com/games or call 626-577-3100
Article was taken from the May-June 2010 Pasadena in Focus
You'll be among the first to learn about the renovation plans for the 90,000-seat stadium as well as its history and tradition.
With a backdrop of great music, a local emcee will lead participants and spectators through a soccer challenge, armchair quarterback game, speed pitching, field goal kicks, free-throw challenge, bean bag toss, and fitness challenges. Watch the stadium's Jumbotron screens to see the fun as it happens. Little ones can also enjoy bounce houses, face painting and other child-friendly activities.
For more information, or to RSVP or volunteer, visit
www.rosebowlstadium.com/games or call 626-577-3100
Article was taken from the May-June 2010 Pasadena in Focus
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Councilman Steve Haderlein requests your assistance in completing the:

Hastings Branch Butterfly Garden
Join in the fun as we create a Children's Butterfly Garden for Hastings Branch Library.
The community is invited to bring their gardening tools, sun screen, hats, and gloves and join in planting new native drought tolerant plants sure to attract Monarchs, Queens, Swallowtails, Painted Ladies, Buckeyes, Red Admiral, Suphurs, Whites, Gray Hairstreaks, Skippers and Azures!
Sign up below for this event or contact Rhonda Stone at rstone@cityofpasadena.net or (626) 744-4740.
Community project partners include; City Councilman Steve Haderlein, District 4, the Pasadena Public Library and City of Pasadena’s Public Works Parks and Natural Resources Division.
Bring your sun screen, hat, gloves and garden tools as we plant native drought tolerant plants sure to attract a variety of butterfly species. Refreshments will be served.
Funding provided from the Post Parade Account, local Hastings Business, local Neighborhood Associations with generous donations from Magic Growers and City of Pasadena Parks and Natural Resource Division of the Public Works Department and Pasadena's Public Library.
Saturday, May 8th
8 - 11 am
Hastings Branch Library
Hastings Branch Butterfly Garden Registration
Please bring garden tools and gloves. If you plan to attend, sign up below or contanct Rhonda Stone at (626) 744-4740.
If you do not have an email account, visit Yahoo or Google and sign up for a free email account or call Rhonda Stone at (626) 744-4740 to sign up for the event over the phone.
This article taken from the website
Friday, April 23, 2010
2010 Walk Now for Autism Speaks: Los Angeles

Welcome to Walk Now for Autism Speaks: Los Angeles
Saturday, April 24, 2010 • The Rose Bowl, Pasadena • Map it
Registration opens at 8:00am • Walk kicks off at 10:00am
Join Autism Speaks as we walk to change the future for all who struggle with autism!
Walk Now for Autism Speaks is a fun-filled, family friendly event and is our single most powerful force to fund vital research that will lead us to the answers we need. Experience the power of thousands united by a single cause by joining Walk Now for Autism Speaks. Autism is the fastest-growing serious developmental disorder – we need more volunteers to join our fight. Whether this is your first walk or the 10th, take the first step and register today.
Every 20 minutes, another family receives the devastating news that their child has autism. Help us change that! Start fundraising today. Whether you strive to join our new "Grand Club" (walkers that raise $1,000 or more) or sell lemonade to boost your total, you become a piece of the puzzle! Don’t wait another minute - start a corporate, school or family team today!
We look forward to seeing you at the event!
The Los Angeles Resource Fair is completely full. We are excited to have a wonderful array of organizations represented and offer many opportunities to families!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Sunday, March 21, 2010

PEDESTRIANS HAVE THE RIGHT OF WAY IN CALIFORNIA. Crosswalks are painted in roadways to make sure walkers can cross safely but they simply don't work unless people follow the rules. In fact, one in six traffic fatalities involves a pedestrian. But do you know there are also unmarked crosswalks?
If you're on foot or using a wheelchair, cross the street only at corners or inside marked crosswalks. Look around for any approaching vehicles and make eye contact with drivers to make sure they see you. If available, push the button and wait for a green signal; do not step off the curb if the signal is already flashing or solid red - you won't have time to make it.
Even though it is legal for pedestrians to cross at unmarked crosswalks - intersections where there are no painted crosswalks - it may be safer to walk a block or two to the nearest painted crosswalk, especially on streets with heavy traffic.
If you're driving, always stop for pedestrians crossing at intersections, whether or not there is a painted crosswalk. Allow extra time for older pedestrians, people with disabilities and parents with strollers or young children. Always be especially careful when turning a corner at a red light: is someone preparing to cross in the other direction?
Never, ever pass another vehicle that has stopped at a crosswalk - a pedestrian you can't see may be crossing! - and never come to a stop in the middle of a crosswalk, forcing pedestrians to walk out into traffic to get around you.
If you drive an electric or hybrid car, remember that walkers may not hear you coming! Leave a safe distance and use extra caution.
For the California Vehicle Code Chapter related to pedestrian rights and duties, visit www.dmv.ca.gov/pubs/vctop/vc/vctoc.htm and go to Division 11, Chapter 5. For more information call the Pasadena Police Department at 744-4590.
This article was taken from the Pasadena In Focus March - April 2010 issue
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Pasadena's neighborhood mural program tries again

By Janette Williams, Staff Writer Pasadena Star News
PASADENA - Technically, the mural by artist Luis Ituarte is the second commissioned in the city's grant-funded Neighborhood Enhancement Mural Program.
But since an ill-fated first mural in Northwest Pasadena was mistakenly painted over soon after its completion, "Cool Succulents" will become the program's first piece of public art.
This time the new 880-square-foot mural won't actually be painted on a wall.
It was created digitally by computer and transferred to specially treated weather-resistant material, Ituarte said.
But that doesn't mean the process was problem-free.
Plans were to install the mural on the side of the Pasadena Fish Market and Restaurant, 181 E. Orange Grove Blvd. last week, but some technical glitches in the process have put in on hold for perhaps a few weeks, according to the artist's wife, Gerda Govine-Itaurte.
Since the program's murals are designed to be in place only for five years, Ituarte said, having it on fabric makes more sense than painting it directly on a wall.
After that long, he said, any mural on an exterior wall will need some serious repair, which could cost more than the original.
"It's pretty unique," Ituarte said of the technique he used. "I think this way of doing a mural is going to take off... If an artist paints a mural on a wall and after five years you're going to cover it up, that's pretty sad."
Ituarte said he created five different designs for the mural, funded in part by a $2,500 city Arts Commission grant.
"We went to the place it was going to be, invited the community to the restaurant last year and they decided which one they wanted," he said. "They liked the succulents very much. I think people relate to them in our semi-desert climate - and some people think they look like green roses."
Ituarte, whose father was an architect, said he believes a mural should enhance a building's style.
"An architect has to comply with certain regulations, the way the building or house or whatever looks," he said. "Then these people come along and make a mural not respecting what was originally there."
When installed, the mural will cover an entire wall of the restaurant, which Ituarte describes as being in a "classically nondescript" 1960s building.
"It's very pleasant for this place," he said. "People who drive past can see it from the street. And the subject matter is pleasant, not political - sort of a flower combined with an abstract."
Ituarte is known locally for his "Poly-Paint" murals for the Pasadena Boys and Girls Club, the Scott McKenzie Child Care Center and the Art Center College of Design. He has exhibited work in the California, Washington, D.C., Canada, Italy and Mexico over the past 38 years.
Some of his mural work is included in the USC library, Los Angeles and California Mural Collection and the California Ethnic and Multicultural Collection, city officials said.
Rochelle Branch, the city's cultural affairs manager, said the mural is considered an artwork rather than a "super-graphic," and that it can simply be removed when the time comes.
"It allows the artist to easily take possession of the work, should the need arise," she said. "The other benefit is to the property owner, who may have a different use for this space in coming years."
Branch said the city is in the process of "finalizing" a new site and a new commission for artist Christian Alderete. His mural at a store on North Fair Oaks Avenue was painted over in November after a code-enforcement mix-up.
Ituarte is happy with the fabric mural.
"The technique wasn't something I invented, but in the circumstances it's turning out to be great," he said.
This article was from the Pasadena Star News Paper
Monday, March 8, 2010
Water Don't Waste It!

With all this rain we've had, we are still in a mandatory conservation actions. This is just a reminder to please adhere to the city's Level 1 Water Shortage Procedures(Enforced by Pasadena Municipal Code 13.10).
(Amended July 4, 2009)
The following is a summary of the key components in the Water Shortage Procedures Ordinance. Click here to read or print the unabridged ordinance.
1. Effective July 4, 2009, the following instances of water waste will be permanently prohibited:
No watering outdoors between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m., except with a hand-held container or hose with a shut-off nozzle, or for very short periods when adjusting a sprinkler system;
No watering during periods of rain;
No excessive water flow or runoff onto pavement, gutters or ditches from watering or irrigating landscapes or vegetation of any kind;
No washing down paved surfaces unless for safety or sanitation, in which case a bucket, a hose with a shut-off nozzle, a cleaning machine that recycles water or a low-volume/high-pressure water broom must be used;
All property owners must fix leaks, breaks or malfunctions when they find them, or within seven days of receiving a notice from PWP;
Fountains and water features must have a re-circulating water system;
Vehicles must be washed with a hand-held bucket and/or hose equipped with a water shut-off nozzle (does not apply to commercial car washes);
Restaurants may not serve drinking water unless by request and must use water-saving dish wash spray valves;
No installation of non-recirculating water systems at new commercial car washes and laundry systems. Effective July 1, 2010, all commercial car washes must have a re-circulating water system or secure a city waiver.
Hotels and motels must give guests the option to decline daily bed linen and towel changes.
No installation of “single pass cooling systems” in buildings requesting new water service.
If you have witnessed a possible instance of water waste and would like to report it to PWP, please complete the form below, or call the Pasadena Water Shortage Hotline at (626) 744-8888.
PWP will send a formal notice to the address where water waste is thought to have occurred. The goal of these notices is to give all persons and businesses the opportunity to correct the problem, become better informed about the importance of water conservation, deter future instances of waste and change water habits for the better.
Thank you all for following this and if it's raining please turn off your sprinklers.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Sunday 02.21.2010 Pasadena Marathon

It's the 2nd ANNUAL PASADENA MARATHON presented by Kaiser Permanente on Sunday February 21st, 2010.
Quick Info
Start and Finish at Pasadena City College
1570 E. Colorado Blvd.
Pasadena, CA 91106
Start Times
BIKE TOUR - 6:15 am
MARATHON - 7:00 am
5K - 7:30 am
FUN RUN/WALK 7:30 am
Pasadena Convention Center
300 E. Green Street, Pasadena, CA
Expo Hours
Friday, Feb 19th 12-7 pm
Saturday, Feb 20th 9 am - 6 pm
STREET CLOSURES BEGINNING AT 5:15AM please visit www.pasadenamarathon.org for specifics.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
It's Girl Scout Cookies TIME!!!!

Are your tummies ready?
The annual Girl Scout cookie sale has begun. It's been 90 years since Girl Scouts® began selling home-baked cookies to raise money. The idea was so popular that in 1936, Girl Scouts of the USA enlisted bakers to handle the growing demand. Since then, selling Girl Scout Cookies® has become a successful way to help girls develop important leadership skills and earn money for activities.
This year's cookie sale runs from January 24 through March 14.
There are two official bakers of Girl Scout cookies: ABC Bakers and Little Brownie Bakers.
The Girl Scouts of Greater Los Angeles will be going the traditional route, taking pre-sales from January 23 through February 5, with booth sales from February 26 through March 21.
Their cookie offerings this year are:
•Lemon Chalet Cremes
•Dulce de Leche - my personal favorite!
•Thank U Berry Munch
•Thin Mints
Their supplier is Little Brownie Bakers.
This year, the Girl Scouts of San Gorgonio Council (which covers most of the Inland Empire) are doing away with the pre-orders and just selling cookies.
Hooray for instant gratification!
This year's cookie sale runs from January 24 through March 14.
There are two official bakers of Girl Scout cookies: ABC Bakers and Little Brownie Bakers.
The Girl Scouts of San Gorgonio Council gets their cookies from ABC Bakers.
The cookies they're offering this year are:
•Thin Mints
•Peanut Butter Patties
•Peanut Butter Sandwiches
•Caramel deLites
The west end of the Inland Empire (Fontana, Rancho Cucamonga, Upland, Mount Baldy, Claremont, Ontario, Montclair, Chino, Chino Hills, San Dimas and Pomona) is represented by the East Region of Girl Scouts of Greater Los Angeles.
I never knew different regions sold different cookies. Whether you'll be buying Samoas or Caramel deLites, Tagalongs or Peanut Butter Patties, get ready to open up your wallets and your mouths to take in this annual journey into cookie goodness and support our Girl Scouts!
Saturday, January 16, 2010

We are once again asking for your HELP!
As all of you know . . .Tuesday, a 7.0 magnitude earthquake caused widespread damage on the island of Haiti, especially in the capital city of Port au Prince. Every building has been damaged. Every hospital has been destroyed...every school, every house, every car, every street, every makeshift home, every orphanage, every church, every shantytown; even the capital’s main prison and presidential palace have been ruined by Tuesday’s massive earthquake. The sheer magnitude of this quake seems to have left the government there unable to mount any significant relief effort. Haitians are digging through the rubble with their bare hands as international relief agencies mobilized. It's the disaster of the century,! It has been reported that there are thousands and thousands of dead and injured.
Our Local Red Cross Needs our Help.
Dilbeck Realtors & Associates Charitable Foundation is starting a Matching Funds Drive to help the quake victims of Haiti.
The foundation’s Grants Committee is putting in place a matching grants program where the foundation will match every dollar contributed, up to $5,000. This means, if you give $25 your donation will be $50.
Due to the immediate need of these victims your donation must be received by
Monday, February 1st.
Please pouch your tax deductible donation to Dennis Falsetti in the La Canada office.
Make your check payable to American Red Cross – Haiti Earthquake Relief Fund
To make a credit card donation: download a credit card authorization form from the Dilbeck intranet, fill out the information and forward to Dennis Falsetti in our La Canada office.
If you have a question please contact me,
Bev Widney, 626-852-3929, or email, bev.widney@dilbeck.com or
Phone Dennis Falsetti, 818-949-7848 or email, dennis.falsetti@dilbeck.com
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Dilbeck Warm Clothing Drive

Hi Everyone,
This week and next week, we will have our Warm Clothing Drive laundry bags in our office. We are distributing them to help us remember to clean out our closets . . . .
REMEMBER: It doesn’t cost anything!!!! We don’t have to go to a store and buy something!!!! All we have to do is look in our closets, our drawers, anywhere we have clothes.
Something that we wear once a year or something we are saving because someday we might wear it . . . Could be keeping someone warm everyday—right now.
Please HELP. The L.A. Mission will take anything but I’m hoping that each of us finds just one blanket or one sweater, or one coat, or one jacket or one sweatshirt that will keep someone warm.
Bring it to our office or drop it off at our front porch...I will then Drop it in our Dilbeck laundry bag and know that someone will spend the Winter a little warmer . . . It’s COLD out there on the Street in the middle of the NIGHT.
Dilbeck Realtors . . . Standing up and making a DIFFERENCE!
Thanks, stay well and stay warm ------
Jess Mangubat
Thursday, January 7, 2010
2010 Citi BCS National Championship Game.

The City of Pasadena is pleased to welcome the 2010 Citi BCS National Championship Game.
On Thursday, January 7th, 2010 at 5:00 p.m. (PST) the Rose Bowl will host a match up between the Texas Longhorns and the Alabama Crimson Tide. This game will be broadcast exclusively on ABC.
Date: Thursday, January 7, 2010
Time: 5:00 p.m. (PST)
Match-Up: No. 2 BCS-ranked Texas Longhorns vs. No. 1 BCS-ranked Alabama Crimson Tide
Location: Rose Bowl Stadium in Pasadena, Calif.
Television: ABC
Fellow Residents, plan your drive home accordingly. There will be additional traffic.
Enjoy the GAME!!!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
2010 Public Works Schedule
For more information on other trash and recycling programs, visit their website at:
http://www.cityofpasadena.net/PublicWorks or call us at 626-744-4087
2009 / 2010
TIME OPEN: 7:00 a.m. through 2:00 p.m.
3100 E. Del Mar Blvd.
Bring your tree to the parking lot on Millicent Way
1081 N. Fair Oaks Ave.
Bring your tree to the parking lot on Morton Street.
(on your trash pickup day)
MON - 28 TUE - 29 WED - 30 THUR - 31 SAT - 2
MON - 4 TUE - 5 WED - 6 THUR - 7 FRI - 8
MON - 11 TUE - 12 WED - 13 THUR - 14 FRI - 15
January 1 New Year’s Day
January 18 Martin Luther King Day
September 6 Labor Day
November 25 Thanksgiving Day
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