California Law provides for a temporary reduction in assessed values when the Prop 13 value of a property excees the actual market vlaue as of Jan 1.
For more information regarding decline-in-value reassessments, please visit the Assessor's website at
http://assessor.lacounty.gov and review the information.
If you have any questions please feel free to call me.
Remember this is a free service!!
Various private companies may be sending mailings to property owners offering their services to pursue a reduction in their property taxes. These companies may charge hundreds of dollars to file for a reduction in value on behalf of the property owner. Some companies even impose late fees if the application is received after an arbitrary deadline. Be aware that solicitations from private companies offering to pursue a reduction in property taxes must clearly indicate that they are NOT a government agency and that their services are NOT approved or endorsed by any government agency. Failure to provide such notice is a violation of California law.
I hope this information is useful. Thank you for following my blog.
Enjoy the your weekend!!
Jess Mangubat
Dilbeck Realtors - Pasadena