A significant milestone in the journey towards opening the Metro Gold Line Foothill Extension is rapidly approaching. On July 23rd, the Metro board is expected to finally consider its Long Range Transportation Plan that will finalize the funding schedule for the Foothill Extension. Will you be there to show your support?
The draft LRTP proposes an opening date for the Foothill Extension in 2017, even though the Foothill Extension Construction Authority has presented a business plan to open it in 2013. This is your opportunity to tell the Metro Board that you will ride the Gold Line. Please urge the board to accelerate funding to operate the line 2013.
You have the ability to influence the decision. Tell Metro:
Don’t Delay Funding – Metro should dedicate funding to the Foothill Extension now so that construction begins as soon as possible! The Foothill Extension is ready to go.
Make Gold Line a Priority – The project will create thousands of jobs during construction, help get our economy on track and reduce congestion on local streets and freeways.
Get Us To Azusa in 2013 – The Construction Authority has a plan to get the line to Azusa in 2013. Urge Metro to support projects that can open sooner, so people can start riding at the earliest possible date. Why wait four extra years for the train?
It has been a long journey, but with your help we made significant progress in making the Gold Line a priority. Metro has proposed allocating $743 million for the Foothill Extension in the draft LRTP. Our next step is to persuade Metro to run the line when it's completed. We need your support.
Join the delegation of elected officials, community leaders, residents, business owners, students and others marching on Metro Headquarters! We need a strong showing of support at this critical meeting:
Metro Board Meeting
Thursday, July 23, 2009
9:30 a.m.
Metro Headquarters, Board Room
One Gateway Plaza, Los Angeles, CA 90012 Map
Need transportation? We can help! To RSVP, call (888) 977-2269, or e-mail us at info@iwillride.org.
A couple hours of your morning will make an impact in the lives of millions of San Gabriel Valley residents for generations to come. Many of you have shown your support but don't stop now. Speak up for mobility, reduced pollution and jobs now--the Metro Board of Directors needs to hear from you on July 23rd.
I Will Ride Outreach Team
**If you haven't already, please e-mail the Metro Board to voice your support for the Foothill Extension. Help send a strong message that the San Gabriel Valley can't afford to wait for jobs, improved air quality and reduced traffic congestion. Tell a friend!**
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