Northeast Pasadena Blog,
Yesterday, the Metro Board of Directors approved the Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), committing the agency to fund construction of Foothill Extension Phase 2A to Azusa as well as complete the line to Claremont!
This victory stands as a testament to the efforts of Foothill Extension supporters who attended Metro Board meetings month after month, speaking on behalf of the San Gabriel Valley and sending letters and emails to board members to make sure this project was not forgotten. For your continued efforts, we sincerely thank you. Without your enthusiasm and commitment, we could not have reached this point.
The Metro Board approved the LRTP unanimously, following the inclusion of a variety of amendments that provided "regional rationality and equity" (in their words) to the plan. With these amendments, the adopted plan resolves many of the concerns we had with the draft plan. It made the following changes in support of the Foothill Extension:
Confirmed that the agency intends to complete the line to Claremont
Committed to operating the line to Azusa and Claremont as soon as each segment is built
Identified it as one of three first priority projects (along with the Crenshaw line and I-5 Highway improvements) for which the agency will pursue additional funding (outside federal New Starts) to complete the project (we need approximately $320 million to complete the line to Claremont)
Over the next few weeks, we will work out how these important changes in the LRTP influence our plans to complete the line to Azusa in 2013. We look forward to continuing to work with Metro Board Chairman Ara Najarian to reach our common goal of having our ground breaking in June 2010!
I Will Ride Outreach Team

Pasadena Skyline
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Old Pasadena Halloween 2009

This Halloween don’t miss all the wonderful goings-on in Old Pasadena. Come early to shop for your costume, buy treats and decorations, visit the Old Town Haunt, and take advantage of merchant coupons and promotions. Then come back on Halloween afternoon with your family for Trick-or-Treating and more holiday fun.
Old Town Haunt
Open weekends until November 1, 2009
Old Pasadena's award winning, scariest haunted house is back! Descend into the basement of the historical Union Savings Bank Building where mysterious occurrences have taken place in the building’s deadly 107-year history. Don’t miss the child-friendly tour and walk-through with the lights on is available early afternoon on selected dates.
More info
Gold Bug – Special Exhibition & 2nd Anniversary Party
Friday, October 9, 5:00 to 9:00pm
This wonderfully eclectic and unique boutique celebrates their 2nd Anniversary and the opening reception for “Death by Cat”, original photography by Bruce Wolf. Also on view will be beautiful stories, shrines and treasures by Jack Howe, and a creepy, crawly “Insect Petting Zoo” featuring hissing cockroaches, scorpions, tarantulas, and spiny walking sticks from the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles.
More info
Store-to-Store Trick-or-Treating
Saturday, October 31, 4:00 to 7:00pm
Bring your little Ghosts and Goblins to Old Pasadena for trick-or-treating, and get treats for Grown-ups, too. Our stores and restaurants are treating Moms and Dads to hundreds of dollars in savings. Plus, there will be wandering spooks, free haunted photos, and more! On Saturday, October 31, from 4:00-7:00pm, merchants will beckon you with treat signs in their windows. A photographer will take free haunted pictures of your little ones among hundreds of pumpkins in the One Colorado Courtyard. Throughout the celebration, guests will also enjoy a unique opportunity to meet and greet with various popular Halloween costumed characters.
Great Places to Shop
for Halloween Decorations, Treats & Costumes
Lula Mae offers loads of whimsical Halloween decorations, gifts of wit and charm, and some darling costumes for toddlers.
October Promotion: 50% Off Your Choice of One Regularly Priced Item
Leonidas Chocolate Café is a world-renowned chocolate maker, selling over 100 different kinds of Belgian chocolate. Don’t miss their marzipan pumpkins and ghosts. Now featuring freshly brewed Peet’s Coffee and Tea.
October Promotion: 10% Off Your Purchase with Coupon
Mignon Chocolates continues the traditional creation of fine chocolates following original family recipes since 1935. Try their wonderful selection of unique flavors.
October Promotion: 10% Off Your Purchase with Coupon
Temptations Chocolate Factory creates all kinds of delicacies made fresh daily with only the freshest ingredients, and by dedicated chocolate chefs.
October Promotion: 10% Off Your Purchase with Coupon
Stats Home Decorative Center is the traditional place to shop for all of your seasonal décor. They have an incredible selection of pirates, skeletons, tombstones, witches and more for making your very own haunted house.
October Promotion: 10% Off Your Purchase with Coupon
Francisco's Halloween Shop is a temporary location selling costumes for every age, makeup, masks and hats.
October Promotion: 10% Off Your Purchase with Coupon
Aaardvark’s Odd Ark has a wonderful range of vintage clothing, costumes, shoes, and wigs with which to create your Halloween persona. home| terms of use| contact us| merchant log-in| site map| give us feedback
Copyright 2007-2009 © Old Pasadena Management District, Pasadena California
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Don’t Let Metro Think You've Given Up

Thursday October 22, 2009:
Metro Board to Vote on Foothill Extension Funding!
Your Help Means More Now Than Ever
Northeast Pasadena,
Wednesday’s Metro Planning and Programming Committee gave us our first glimpse of what to expect at next Thursday’s Metro Board Meeting when the Board will consider the Long Range Transportation Plan. Metro is still planning to delay the Foothill Extension by four years from operating in 2013 to 2017!
So many of you over the last two years have told us countless stories about why you need Foothill Extension service from Pasadena to Azusa as soon as possible. Your support means more now than ever.
The Construction Authority is ready to break ground in June 2010, so why the wait? Metro has collected an increase in your sales tax dollars for months now, so why the delay?
These are questions you can ask Metro between now and next Thursday and you deserve answers.
Here is what you can do:
Join your fellow I Will Ride supporters and attend next Thursday’s Metro Board Meeting – Thursday, Oct. 22, 2009 at 9 a.m. at Metro Headquarters. Click here to RSVP. Let us know if you need transportation.
Send an e-mail to the Metro Board of Directors by visiting You can send the e-mail direct to all 13 Board Members with one easy click.
Let’s make sure the Metro Board knows that a four year delay is not acceptable to the San Gabriel Valley.
Questions? E-mail, call (888) 977-2269, or visit
I Will Ride Outreach Team
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
50% OFF Coupon at Teri & Yaki
Congratulations! Your company has been selected as our 50% OFF DAY
Please print a copy of this email and present it to our cashier at the
of purchase as your 50% OFF coupon.
Here are the specifics:
. Who: for anyone associated with your company
. When: from today to 10/16/09, 2009 (Fri), 11AM to 5PM
. Where: any Teri & Yaki Location, DINE-IN ONLY
. What: 50% OFF any item on the menu (
. How: Bring a copy of this e-mail
Enjoy and feel free to forward this email to anyone in your company.
Teri & Yaki
"Voted Best Chicken" - Pasadena Weekly
"Great Food" - L.A. Times
Please print a copy of this email and present it to our cashier at the
of purchase as your 50% OFF coupon.
Here are the specifics:
. Who: for anyone associated with your company
. When: from today to 10/16/09, 2009 (Fri), 11AM to 5PM
. Where: any Teri & Yaki Location, DINE-IN ONLY
. What: 50% OFF any item on the menu (
. How: Bring a copy of this e-mail
Enjoy and feel free to forward this email to anyone in your company.
Teri & Yaki
"Voted Best Chicken" - Pasadena Weekly
"Great Food" - L.A. Times
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Whole Foods Market Pasadena - Hastings Ranch
October 12th - October 18th
Fire/Police Department Appreciation Week
Whole Foods Market is thanking the men and women of the Police and Fire Departments with daily events. Stop by and show some love. They will be fund raising the entire week to support both departments favorite charities, The Police Activities League and the Firefighters Relief Association.
3751 E. Foothill Blvd
Pasadena, CA 91107 USA
map, directions & nearby stores
Phone 626.351.5994
Store contact form
Store hours:
7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. seven days a week.
Fire/Police Department Appreciation Week
Whole Foods Market is thanking the men and women of the Police and Fire Departments with daily events. Stop by and show some love. They will be fund raising the entire week to support both departments favorite charities, The Police Activities League and the Firefighters Relief Association.
3751 E. Foothill Blvd
Pasadena, CA 91107 USA
map, directions & nearby stores
Phone 626.351.5994
Store contact form
Store hours:
7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. seven days a week.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Metro Board to Vote on Foothill Extension Funding!

Save the Date!
Thursday, October 22, 2009:
Be There to Show Your Support!
Attend this critical meeting when the Metro Board will finally decide on the Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), which will determine Metro’s transportation funding priorities for the next 20 years. While the $851 million included in the draft LRTP is an important start, it is not enough to complete the line to Montclair.
Your attendance at the meeting will keep the pressure on Metro to show their commitment to finishing the line, and to keeping all funding options open.
Let’s not wake up on October 23 wishing we had done more to get the San Gabriel Valley’s fair share of transportation funding. Will you be there?
Don’t let the Metro Board of Directors think you are giving up on the Foothill Extension.
Metro Board Meeting
Thursday, October 22, 2009
9 a.m.- Noon
Metro Headquarters, Board Room
One Gateway Plaza, Los Angeles, CA 90012
To RSVP e-mail, call (888) 977-2269, or visit to sign up online.
I Will Ride Outreach Team
P.S. Need some inspiration? Take a look back on our journey by visiting the I Will Ride You Tube Channel at
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Bungalow Heaven in Pasadena Named One of America's Top Ten Neighborhoods

Media Contact:
Ann Erdman
Public Affairs Office
(626) 744-4755
Pasadena’s Bungalow Heaven landmark district has been designated one of the 10 great places in the America.
In making the announcement, the American Planning Association cited the large number of significantly important historic homes as well as collaborative efforts between neighborhood residents and the city of Pasadena for restoring, protecting and maintaining Bungalow Heaven’s unique character and sense of place.
“Bungalow Heaven demonstrates how historic neighborhoods have an enduring appeal, especially in a city like Pasadena where there is a strong commitment to history preservation and the early 20th century Arts and Crafts movement,” said Vice Mayor Victor Gordo, whose district partially encompasses Bungalow Heaven. “Residents throughout Pasadena have invested years and years of work to protect their neighborhoods, and it is a testament to those first dedicated residents of Bungalow Heaven.”
APA’s annual Great Places in America program exemplifies exceptional character and highlights the role planners and planning play in creating communities of lasting value.
Most of the home-building in Bungalow Heaven took place between 1905 and 1920. About 70 percent of the 1,100 single-family homes are bungalows from the Arts and Crafts period and no two are exactly alike.
When a classic Craftsman bungalow was demolished in 1985 at the corner of Wilson Avenue and Washington Boulevard and replaced with a generic stucco-faced apartment building, neighbors took action. A petition drive led to the Pasadena City Council authorizing a down-zoning limiting the number of residential units per lot and establishing the first local historic landmark district.
The landmark status requires property owners to apply for certificates of appropriateness to ensure that any changes to the exterior of their homes comply with the Secretary of State’s Standards for Rehabilitation and Illustrated Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings.
Compact and walkable, the neighborhood features homes sited on 50-foot-wide parcels with generally uniform front-yard setbacks, porches in front, garages in the rear and a huge tree canopy.
The Bungalow Heaven Neighborhood Association has supported the historic district by offering financial assistance to homeowners with limited incomes and promoting a strong ethic of pride in the neighborhood and its historic character. The association also has taken an active role in restoration and improvements at McDonald Park, conducts workshops for residents and coordinates an annual home tour – a rare opportunity for thousands to walk the neighborhood and go inside selected homes.
“Bungalow Heaven has matured as an organization and retained a strong sense of community, improving their neighborhood park and public library while helping to shape policy in the city as a whole,” said City Councilwoman Margaret McAustin, whose district also includes part of Bungalow Heaven. “The organization has had other real impacts on City Hall by serving as a growing ground for neighborhood leaders and elected officials.”
City staff in the Pasadena Planning and Development Department work closely with the neighborhood association and helped create a conservation plan that promotes rehabilitation of historic homes and stipulates when exterior work requires review by the Historic Preservation Commission and city planning staff.
Listed in the National Register of Historic Places and the California Register of Historic Resources, Bungalow Heaven has become a regional laboratory for the study of Arts and Crafts bungalows and restoring the historic integrity of these homes. Feature articles about Bungalow Heaven have appeared in regional, national and international publications.
Through Great Places in America, the American Planning Association recognizes unique and authentic characteristics found in three essential components of communities – streets, neighborhoods and public places. Features considered include architecture and community involvement.
“Bungalow Heaven is truly remarkable in that there are more than a thousand historic homes in the neighborhood,” said APA Chief Executive Officer Paul Farmer. “Residents and the city are rightfully proud of this architectural legacy, and we applaud them for their ongoing commitment through planning and planning follow-through to protect and enhance their neighborhood’s unique sense of place.”
The other nine APA 2009 Great Neighborhoods are Faubourg Marigny in New Orleans; the Haymarket in Kenmore, New York; Downtown Fargo in North Dakota; Ladd’s Addition in Portland, Oregon; Franklin Historic District in Franklin, Tennessee; Montrose in Houston, Texas; Historic Hilton Village in Newport News, Virginia; and Browne’s Addition in Spokane, Washington.
For more information about Bungalow Heaven visit; for more information about city of Pasadena historic preservation programs visit or call (626) 744-4009; for more information about APA 10 Great Places visit
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Pasadena "Build The Rink" Committee

Included below is a link to an online petition
to request a revote of the Pasadena Coucilmembers
to pursue negotiations for a privately-funded arrangement with Polar Ice Ventures
to build a new ice skating rink in the City of Pasadena.
Even if you have already sent an email or have already hand-signed the petition at the rink,
PLEASE take a moment to click on this link
to sign and provide your information as requested.
Thank you for your support and pass it on!
Click here to access the online petition >>>>
Be a Neighborhood Crime Fighter

Pasadena In Focus,Pasadena In Focus - September - October 2009
You don’t have to wear a badge to join the Pasadena Police Department in fighting crime!
Protect Your Home.
During warmer weather, many residents leave their windows and doors open to catch a breeze. That’s an open invitation to thieves! Always lock up when you’re not home; when you are home, consider using wooden dowels or window stops to leave a narrow opening big enough for ventilation but too small for a person.
Always use your peephole or a window before responding to a knock at the door. Leave the porch light on at night. Never open the door to a stranger. If you’re uncomfortable with the person outside, call the police and give a description.
Get Involved in Neighborhood Watch.
By starting your own group and working with local police, you can get to know your neighbors, learn how to recognize suspicious activities and become more assertive about reporting crimes. To find or start a Neighborhood Watch group in your area, call 744-4551.
Get your children involved!
The Pasadena Police Department is enrolling elementary school students ages 6 to 12 (and their parents) for the third annual Kids’ Safety Academy every Saturday from Oct. 3 to Nov. 14 from 9 a.m. to noon. Classes will cover stranger danger, fire safety, disaster preparedness, environmental stewardship, water skills, bike safety and much more. Reserve a seat by calling 744-7659 or e-mailing
The Pasadena Police Explorer Program invites teens and young adults ages 14 to 20 to explore careers in law enforcement. After an 18-week Saturday academy, recruits meet every second and fourth Wednesday at 6 p.m. plus participate in local competitions, march at ceremonies, volunteer at city events and enjoy field trips to local attractions. E-mail or call 744-7653 for details.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Be A Good Neighbor

Pasadena In Focus,Pasadena In Focus - September - October 2009
Neighborhoods bring together people of many backgrounds and interests who want to live where it’s safe and pleasant. With our busy lives, being neighborly doesn’t mean what it used to, but being considerate is always in style! Here are a few tips from Neighborhood Connections, a division of the Human Services and Recreation Department:
• Treat others as you would have them treat you. Everyone wants to be respected and recognized as an equal.
• If you’re the shy type, at least get out occasionally. Sit on your porch and wave to passersby, or walk down the block. Chat with neighbors about the weather, compliment their yards or pets, or ask what’s new in their lives.
• Invite your neighbors over for coffee, afternoon tea or a glass of lemonade.
• Find out details about recent police activity and prevention tips, and then relay the information to neighbors.
• Report any suspicious activities at your neighbor’s property to your neighbor as soon as you can, with as much detail as possible.
• Be quieter in the evenings and on weekends.
• Give your neighbors plenty of notice if you’re having a party that may be loud.
• Exchange phone numbers for emergency situations.
• Over time, develop trust so you feel comfortable letting some of your neighbors know you’ll be away, or who will be house sitting or checking up on your home.
• Help coordinate a block party once a year.
• Organize Pasadena Emergency Response Team (PERT) training from the Fire Department or a Neighborhood Watch program through the Police Department.
• Find out if there’s a neighborhood association you and your neighbors can join. If not, consider organizing one for a stronger voice in city decision-making.
For more tips, visit and click on Neighborhood Connections, call 744-7290 or stop by the office at 1384 E. Walnut St. Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. or alternating Fridays from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
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