Pasadena In Focus,Pasadena In Focus - September - October 2009
You don’t have to wear a badge to join the Pasadena Police Department in fighting crime!
Protect Your Home.
During warmer weather, many residents leave their windows and doors open to catch a breeze. That’s an open invitation to thieves! Always lock up when you’re not home; when you are home, consider using wooden dowels or window stops to leave a narrow opening big enough for ventilation but too small for a person.
Always use your peephole or a window before responding to a knock at the door. Leave the porch light on at night. Never open the door to a stranger. If you’re uncomfortable with the person outside, call the police and give a description.
Get Involved in Neighborhood Watch.
By starting your own group and working with local police, you can get to know your neighbors, learn how to recognize suspicious activities and become more assertive about reporting crimes. To find or start a Neighborhood Watch group in your area, call 744-4551.
Get your children involved!
The Pasadena Police Department is enrolling elementary school students ages 6 to 12 (and their parents) for the third annual Kids’ Safety Academy every Saturday from Oct. 3 to Nov. 14 from 9 a.m. to noon. Classes will cover stranger danger, fire safety, disaster preparedness, environmental stewardship, water skills, bike safety and much more. Reserve a seat by calling 744-7659 or e-mailing aramos@cityofpasadena.net.
The Pasadena Police Explorer Program invites teens and young adults ages 14 to 20 to explore careers in law enforcement. After an 18-week Saturday academy, recruits meet every second and fourth Wednesday at 6 p.m. plus participate in local competitions, march at ceremonies, volunteer at city events and enjoy field trips to local attractions. E-mail gthompson@cityofpasadena.net or call 744-7653 for details.
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