Pasadena In Focus,Pasadena In Focus - September - October 2009
Neighborhoods bring together people of many backgrounds and interests who want to live where it’s safe and pleasant. With our busy lives, being neighborly doesn’t mean what it used to, but being considerate is always in style! Here are a few tips from Neighborhood Connections, a division of the Human Services and Recreation Department:
• Treat others as you would have them treat you. Everyone wants to be respected and recognized as an equal.
• If you’re the shy type, at least get out occasionally. Sit on your porch and wave to passersby, or walk down the block. Chat with neighbors about the weather, compliment their yards or pets, or ask what’s new in their lives.
• Invite your neighbors over for coffee, afternoon tea or a glass of lemonade.
• Find out details about recent police activity and prevention tips, and then relay the information to neighbors.
• Report any suspicious activities at your neighbor’s property to your neighbor as soon as you can, with as much detail as possible.
• Be quieter in the evenings and on weekends.
• Give your neighbors plenty of notice if you’re having a party that may be loud.
• Exchange phone numbers for emergency situations.
• Over time, develop trust so you feel comfortable letting some of your neighbors know you’ll be away, or who will be house sitting or checking up on your home.
• Help coordinate a block party once a year.
• Organize Pasadena Emergency Response Team (PERT) training from the Fire Department or a Neighborhood Watch program through the Police Department.
• Find out if there’s a neighborhood association you and your neighbors can join. If not, consider organizing one for a stronger voice in city decision-making.
For more tips, visit www.cityofpasadena.net/humanservices and click on Neighborhood Connections, call 744-7290 or stop by the office at 1384 E. Walnut St. Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. or alternating Fridays from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
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